What to Pack, Carry or Wear For Your Tanzania Safari Guide

Packing the right items for your safari to Tanzania is crucial for ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable trip. Tanzania’s diverse landscapes and wildlife present unique challenges that require specific items to be packed in your luggage.

From protecting yourself against the harsh sun and insect bites to capturing stunning photographs of wildlife, having the right gear and equipment can make all the difference.

In addition to ensuring your comfort and safety, packing the right items can also enhance your overall safari experience. For instance, a good pair of binoculars can help you spot animals from a distance, while comfortable clothing can allow you to move around freely and enjoy your activities.

antelope, sunset, kenya

Bringing personal items such as medications, toiletries, and a first-aid kit can also help you stay healthy and prepared in case of any unexpected situations.

Overall, packing the right items for your Tanzania safari package can help you fully enjoy and appreciate the unique beauty and wildlife of this amazing country. By being prepared and having the necessary equipment, you can make the most of your experience and create unforgettable memories.

In this blog post we will look at some of the essential and non essential items to carry for your next holiday or safari trip to Tanzania. Let start.


Light Clothing

When preparing for a safari trip to Tanzania, one of the most important considerations is packing the right clothing. Light, breathable clothing is essential for staying comfortable in Tanzania’a warm and often humid climate, as well as protecting yourself from the sun and insects.

Tanzania is a country of diverse landscapes and climates, from the hot and dry savannahs to the lush forests and cooler highlands. Regardless of where you plan to visit, you’ll want to choose clothing that is appropriate for the weather and conditions.

safari clothing tanzania what to pack

Opting for light, breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen can help keep you cool and dry, even in hot and humid conditions. Neutral-colored clothing is also recommended, as bright colors can attract unwanted attention from insects or wildlife.

Long-sleeved shirts and pants can provide additional protection from the sun and insects, while a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses can shield your face and eyes.

By packing light, breathable clothing for your safari trip to Tanzania, you’ll be able to enjoy your activities and sightseeing without being weighed down by heavy or uncomfortable clothing. You’ll also be better prepared for the weather and conditions, ensuring a more enjoyable and comfortable experience

Comfortable, Sturdy Footwear

Comfortable, sturdy footwear is an essential item to pack for your safari trip to Tanzania. On a typical safari day, you can spend several hours walking or standing, so having comfortable footwear is crucial to prevent foot fatigue or blisters.

Closed-toe shoes or boots with sturdy soles and good arch support can provide the necessary protection and stability on rough terrain. Additionally, shoes with good traction can prevent slips and falls on slippery or muddy surfaces.

safari boots what to pack

In addition to being practical and safe, comfortable footwear can also enhance your safari experience. With the right shoes, you’ll be able to enjoy your activities without worrying about discomfort or injuries. You’ll also be able to move around more freely and explore different areas, making the most of your time in Tanzania.

Overall, packing comfortable, sturdy footwear is an important consideration when preparing for your Tanzania safari trip. By choosing appropriate shoes, you’ll ensure your safety and comfort, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty and wildlife of this incredible country.

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    Hats & Sunglasses

    In addition to light, breathable clothing and comfortable footwear, packing a hat and sunglasses is crucial for a comfortable and safe safari trip to Tanzania.

    Tanzania is a country located on the equator, and the sun can be very strong, even on cloudy days. A hat with a wide brim can provide shade and protect your face, neck, and ears from harmful UV rays. A hat can also help to keep you cool and reduce the risk of heatstroke or sunburn.

    Sunglasses are also important for protecting your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays, as well as from dust and debris. Good quality sunglasses with polarized lenses can also reduce glare and enhance your vision, allowing you to spot wildlife and enjoy the stunning scenery without squinting or straining your eyes.

    In addition to the practical benefits, wearing a hat and sunglasses can also enhance your safari experience. By reducing glare and protecting your eyes, you’ll be able to fully appreciate the beauty and wildlife of Tanzania without discomfort or distraction.

    Protection from the elements


    Tanzania is located on the equator, which means that the sun can be very strong, even on cloudy days. This makes it crucial to apply sunscreen with a high SPF before heading outdoors.

    A broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 can provide protection against both UVA and UVB rays, and should be reapplied every two hours or more frequently if you’re sweating or swimming.

    what to pack safari kenya

    In addition to protecting your skin from harmful UV rays, sunscreen can also prevent heat stroke or sunstroke, which can be caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. This can be especially important during safari activities where you may be exposed to the sun for several hours.

    By packing sunscreen and applying it regularly throughout your trip, you’ll be able to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays and ensure a comfortable and safe safari experience.

    Additionally, by protecting your skin, you’ll be able to fully enjoy the breathtaking landscapes and wildlife of Tanzania without worrying about sun damage or discomfort.

    Insect Repellant

    Insect repellent is an essential item to include in your packing list, as insect bites can be not only itchy and irritating, but also carry the risk of transmitting diseases.

    In addition to protecting yourself from disease-carrying insects, insect repellent can also prevent discomfort and distraction caused by insect bites.

    Mosquitoes and other biting insects can be particularly active during dawn and dusk, which are popular times for safari activities. Wearing insect repellent can allow you to enjoy your activities without being distracted by itching or discomfort caused by insect bites.

    When choosing insect repellent, look for one that contains DEET or picaridin, as these have been proven to be effective in repelling mosquitoes and other biting insects. Additionally, consider packing long-sleeved shirts and pants to provide additional protection from insect bites.

    Hand sanitizer

    Hand sanitizer is an essential item to pack for a safari trip in Tanzania. While it may seem like a small detail, it can make a big difference in protecting your health and preventing the spread of illness.

    Hand sanitizer can be particularly useful when you’re out in the wilderness and away from running water and soap.

    Whether you’re eating lunch on a game drive or using public restrooms during your travels, having hand sanitizer on hand can help to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

    When choosing hand sanitizer, look for one that contains at least 60% alcohol, as this is the most effective concentration for killing germs and bacteria. Consider packing a small bottle that you can easily carry with you during your travels.



    A good pair of binoculars is an important item to pack for your safari trip to Tanzania. The wildlife in Tanzania is diverse and breathtaking, and binoculars can help you to get a closer look at the animals without disturbing them or getting too close.

    Binoculars allow you to observe animals from a safe distance, which is particularly important when viewing large or dangerous animals such as lions, elephants, and buffalo.

    This not only helps to keep you safe but also allows you to observe the animals in their natural habitat without disrupting their behavior.

    In addition, binoculars can help you to spot smaller animals and birds that may be difficult to see with the naked eye. This can add an extra dimension to your safari experience, as you’ll be able to appreciate the full spectrum of wildlife in Tanzania.

    When choosing binoculars, consider factors such as magnification, lens diameter, and weight. Look for a pair with a magnification of at least 8x and a lens diameter of at least 32mm, as this will provide a clear and bright image.

    Additionally, consider the weight of the binoculars, as you’ll be carrying them with you throughout your safari activities


    A good camera is an important item to pack for your safari trip to Tanzania. The country is home to some of the most iconic wildlife in the world, and having a camera with you allows you to capture memories of your experiences that will last a lifetime.

    Whether you’re photographing a majestic lion in the wild or a stunning sunset over the savannah, a good camera can help you to capture the beauty and essence of Tanzania.

    However, if you don’t have a dedicated camera, a good smartphone can also work well for capturing images on your safari. Many smartphones now come with high-quality cameras that can take stunning photos and videos, making them a great alternative to a traditional camera

    Read: Scuba Diving In Zanzibar

    Power bank

    Having a power bank is a good idea for your safari trip to Tanzania, especially if you plan to use electronic devices such as a smartphone, camera, or tablet.

    While many safari vehicles are equipped with charging ports, there may be times when you’re away from a power source for extended periods, such as during game drives or bush walks.

    A power bank allows you to recharge your devices on-the-go, ensuring you won’t miss any opportunities to capture stunning wildlife photos or stay connected with loved ones back home.

    Additionally, having a power bank can provide peace of mind in case of emergencies, as it allows you to keep your devices charged in case you need to make a phone call or use a GPS app.

    When choosing a power bank, consider its capacity, size, and weight. Look for one with a high capacity, as this will allow you to recharge your devices multiple times before needing to be recharged itself.

    Additionally, choose a size and weight that is practical for your travel needs, as you’ll be carrying it with you throughout your safari activities.


    A good flashlight is a crucial item to pack for a safari trip to Tanzania. Many safari camps and lodges are situated in remote areas without proper lighting, and travelers may have to walk back to their accommodations after dark.

    Moreover, early morning and late evening game drives can be challenging without proper lighting. A bright and reliable flashlight can be extremely helpful in such situations, ensuring the safety of the travelers and enabling them to fully enjoy the safari experience by spotting nocturnal wildlife.

    Personal Items


    It is recommended to consult with a doctor before taking any medications on a safari trip to Tanzania. However, here are some over-the-counter medications that travelers may find helpful to have on hand:

    1. Anti-diarrheal medication: Traveler’s diarrhea is a common issue for travelers in Tanzania, and having anti-diarrheal medication such as Imodium on hand can help alleviate symptoms and prevent dehydration.
    2. Pain relievers: Pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen can be useful for managing headaches, muscle aches, or other discomforts.
    3. Motion sickness medication: If you’re prone to motion sickness, medication such as Dramamine can help alleviate symptoms during game drives or other activities.
    4. Antihistamines: Antihistamines such as Benadryl can be helpful for treating allergies or insect bites.
    5. Sunburn relief: Aloe vera gel or calamine lotion can be used to soothe sunburned skin

    I would highly recommend that once you land in Tanzania, buy anti-malaria tablets which are very cheap in Tanzania. This will prevent you from getting malaria.

    Should you get bitten by a mosquito that carries the malaria virus while in Tanzania, the infection will only develop while you are back in your country. Treating malaria in Western countries is very very expensive.

    Anyway, it’s important to consult with a doctor or travel health specialist before taking any medications or vaccinations before your safari trip to Tanzania, as they can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual health needs.


    Here are some essential toiletries to pack for your safari:

    1. Toothbrush and toothpaste: Keeping your teeth clean and healthy is important, so don’t forget to pack a toothbrush and toothpaste.
    2. Deodorant: Temperatures in Tanzania can get quite hot, so bringing a deodorant can help you feel fresh and comfortable.
    3. Hand sanitizer: Good hygiene is essential on safari, and having hand sanitizer can help you avoid getting sick.
    4. Moisturizer: Tanzania’s dry climate can be harsh on your skin, so bringing a moisturizer can help keep your skin hydrated.
    5. Shampoo and conditioner: Many safari lodges and camps provide shampoo and conditioner, but it’s always a good idea to bring your own just in case.
    6. Body wash or soap: Keeping clean on safari is important, so don’t forget to pack some body wash or soap.
    7. Feminine hygiene products: It’s important to be prepared for your menstrual cycle while on safari, so bring enough pads or tampons for the duration of your trip.

    Remember to pack all of your toiletries in leak-proof containers, as spillage can be messy and inconvenient on safari.

    Miscellaneous Items


    Carrying a backpack or daypack on your safari trip to Tanzania can be extremely helpful for several reasons:

    1. Convenience: A backpack or daypack allows you to keep all your essential items, such as water bottles, sunscreen, camera, and binoculars, in one place, making them easily accessible when you need them.
    2. Comfort: Carrying a backpack or daypack can be more comfortable than carrying a heavy bag or purse, as it distributes the weight more evenly across your shoulders and back.
    3. Safety: Keeping your valuables in a backpack or daypack can be safer than carrying them in a handbag, as it’s harder for pickpockets to access.
    4. Flexibility: A backpack or daypack can also be useful for carrying extra clothing layers, snacks, or any souvenirs you may pick up during your trip.

    When choosing a backpack or daypack, consider one that is lightweight, durable, and has multiple compartments for easy organization. A backpack or daypack with water-resistant material can also be useful in case of rain or water activities.

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